We are thrilled to be welcoming some excellent musicians to St Mary & St Eanswythe’s to give recitals in aid of the organ fund.

We are thrilled to be welcoming some excellent musicians to St Mary & St Eanswythe’s to give recitals in aid of the organ fund.
Come and hear the combined Choirs of All Souls, Cheriton and Holy Trinity and St Mary & St Eanswythe’s, Folkestone sing evensong for Sea Sunday. The setting will be Walmisley in D Minor and the anthem will be Sumion: They That Go Down to the Sea in Ships.
All welcome. Retiring collection in aid of the Organ Fund.
Come and hear internationally renowned organist (and Folkestone boy) Raymond Johnston play and talk about the organ. Free admission with a retiring collection in for the Organ Fund.
So what’s actually wrong with our organ?
Essentially it’s getting old! Very little has been done to the organ since it was last rebuilt by Hill, Norman and Beard in 1930. Most organs of this size would have fairly major work done on them every forty years or so to keep everything working. This not being done means that we have lots of components wearing out. We have lots of issues with the leatherwork within the organ, and this has led to unreliability as you can see in this video.